Mirror Images?

In class we talked about how Americans both during the cold war and at present view the Russians. It got me wondering how the Russians view Americans. Is there a case of mirror imaging? Or is the dichotomy unilateral? More importantly I wonder how the Russians of today view the Soviets. More reading would be needed to see if the views expressed by many Americans against the Russians are mirrored by the Russians towards the Americans. In class I talked about the young American pianist who “beat Russia.” I found an article alluding to him and the contest today at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18026453.

One Response to “Mirror Images?”

  1. Gary Hink Says:

    Great story presented here about Pollack, involving several of our concerns — particularly the “inverse perspective” of USSR viewing US, as evoked in the account!

    More importantly, you’ve demonstrated our method of intuitive thinking — associations like this will function progressively more in our project, so keep this mode “switched on”!

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