Old world trust

The discussion between the new order and the old has me slightly confused. I do not believe that the old order is gone. It has perhaps been repressed in areas but in no ways is it absent from society. Aspects such as religion, xenophobia, and chivalry still exist today. Are these mere kickbacks to a former time, the appendices and wisdom teeth of society? I think not. One thing that struck me as I read this week was the willingness for people to trust others. Taking a man at his word is surely an old world concept. People simply do not want to believe that someone would deceive them. This trust in people is even more prevalent with considering someone who is religious or “simpler” and you. People either believe that is someone claims to have “good” aspects (religious, hard working, upper class, ect.) that they are worthy of trust even if they have not proved themselves to be trustworthy with some sort of action of loyalty.

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