Identity Crisis

I have had I hard time deciding upon a topic of what to blog about this week.  I was struck by the notion of identity in all of the pieces this week.  Still, I feel as if trying to tackle identity in one blog is next to impossible.  I suppose that is what the final project will help with.  I was given a speech on life.  Someting was said in that speech the rang with me this week.  I was called to find who I am and why I am here.  Once I know these things I am to never compromise them.  Thats a daunting request and i still don’t know who I am fully.  I do believe though that perhaps who we are and why we are here are not that different.  Perhaps it is what we do that defines us.  Or perhaps it is how we do it.  I am a fan of Five for Fighting, they have a song that got stuck in my head after the identity discussion.

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