
1) Which of the two general approaches will you take? Identity in the context of the Red Scare

What specific issue will you “take up” and “take responsibility for” ? I will examine society’s impact on how we define ourselves.  It affects me personally as I have often wondered who I am.  Also, as a political science major I look a lot at events from around the world at different points in history… I have wondered if I would be the same person if put into these events.



5) If possible, speculate at least one “blindspot” of historical discourse: what is conventionally forgotten or excluded about this experience? The vast array of opinions about communism in America.  The issue existed as a spectrum, not as the dicotomy that it is often depicted as.

Why is it important to actively recall and inscribe this into writing and into memory? I gives a clearer picture of the event.  Also, it allows for internal conflict to be seen within characters that are “on the fence” about capitolism and communism.

6) List the “CATTt-egories” for a “Mystory recipe” that will be relevant for your poetics, as you’ve derived from our readings/classes thus far; need not provide rationale — more a starting point and inventory to develop later. Individual experience, insite into the uncensered thoughs of the protagonist.  Limited view of the events leading up to and after the story (fragmented). 

At this time, what is a potential figure that you might employ, in a “re-fashioning” or “re-deploying”? (from history and/or culture)
Allusions to historical events will be made, but they will be tainted by the beliefs of the characters.   

Obstacles that you foresee with this choice/topic? “Traps” of writing in conventional discourse (thought+expression)? Some reasearch will be required, and as someone who is most comfortable writting essays, I will have to check myself to be sure I am not reinforcing the conventional ways of telling history.

What are the “argumentative” positions? Academic: Propaganda spread mass paronia.  Individual: Uncertanty created paronia and the notion of trying to ignore problems to function within a frightened society as if nothing was wrong. Briefly describe your issue within the doxa: what is the conventional, consensus, or mythological perspective or narrative? The individual experience is not expressed clearly in history which tends to compress society.

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