The 33rd President and me

Looking at historical figures for my final project, I kept coming across Harry Truman. He is from Missouri, like my family. He was a prominant congressman at the time of the cold war, the lake that my grandfather took me fishing on as a child was named after him, I have been to his museum, Truman the Tiger is MU’s mascot (where my parents went to school, and while thumbing through a book I have on my fraternity I realized that Truman is my fraternity brother (he is a member of Lamba Chi Alpha). I had one of those small world moments when you begin to wonder if everyone is connected somehow. Talk about a social network if thats the case.

One Response to “The 33rd President and me”

  1. To me this blog entry has been one of my favorite when reading through them all. I believe that everyone is connected through people. Have you ever tried the eight degrees of separation? I have and it worked! I have also been on several road trips to different schools across the country with my friends. When we first get there, we meet up with whoever we are set to stay with, but when the conversation starts going we talk about people that they may have gone to high school with and we go to school now or vice versa. Most times it usually comes about that someone knows a person we had brought up. The nation is like one huge social network that has separations and reconstructions, but everyone is connected through different people.

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