
There is an old road running the length of the boarder to Jefferson City Missouri.  The road is dotted with farms and barbed wire.  Rusted sings warn trespassers of dogs or guns or the law.  Tractors and Ford tucks tear ruts in the muddy road, kicking up rocks and sludge behind them.  Past the Greene’s and the Rife’s plots is the Minutemen’s plot.  Rusted signs warn trespassers of dogs or guns or the law.  Roaring transport trucks tear ruts in the muddy road.  Guards walk along the perimeter of its barbed wire fences with the slow, the measured steps of professional soldiers.  Some say that the Minutemen silos stand to protect America should she need it, some say it puts a bull’s-eye on the town.



Minutemen I Silos

Minutemen I Silos









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