Truman the Tiger

Shortly after the drop of the atomic bomb, Truman had to stand and address the public on why he felt it a necessary action.  The damage was larger than expected, but he assured the American people that the results of the attack were calculated.  Sitting in Congress years later as the nation wondered if the Soviets would to to them as they had done to Japan, did Truman ever blame himself?  Truman represented a state in Congress. A state that due to its geographic position and lack of many major cities, was probably safe from direct attack.  Still, Truman knew possibly better than any other Congressman what the bomb was capable of.  He knew that he had to be strong against the Soviets, yet gentle enough to not provoke an attack out of fear.  American walked the precarious edge of brinkmanship where one had to be intimidating in presence while camouflaged in nature.  Something like a tiger.  A tiger is hard to detect, imposing physically, soft to the touch, but capable of killing anyone at a moments notice. Truman the Tiger.

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