The Shelter

Sue had to step on the bottom rung of the wooden fence that stood between her land and the next to see over the peer over its top. Clara’s father was on the other side standing by his tornado house.  Tornadoes were fairly common in Sue’s area, she personally had seen two.  Some of the families around her had tornado houses, she did not but if she needed to Clara’s family would let her use theirs.  They were not really houses so much as a room behind their real house.  It had no windows, power, or bathrooms.  All that was inside was some food and mabe something to lay on until the tornado passed, which was normally only about a half hour, sometimes less.  Clara’s father had replaced the door with a new one.  The door had foam around its edges that looked like it would block out most of the air.  If he and his family were to survive in the shelter for an hour or so they would may be fine, but what would happen if they had to stay longer?  The hinges were what Sue’s dad called the “cheap kind” they would not hold up to a tornado.  Sue watched as Clara’s father carried in bags of food, a few guns, and a few masks with noses on them that looked like an elephant’s. 

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