
There were drills and videos at school telling us what to do if we got atom bombed.  Teachers and the man on the film said to get under the desks and put our hand on our heads if we saw a flash.  Personally it made no sense to me.  My teacher, Ms. Munts, would not let me sit on the desk because it could break.  If the desk can’t hold me, how can it hold the roof?  Jeff said it didn’t matter, he said that if we actually saw the flash we were “good as dead.”  I guess we would end up like the crispy critters Grandpa talks about after Operation Crossbow. Ms. Munts yelled flash, we got under the tables and prayed that if even if the commies had figure out how to fly around the world, they had not found a way to get passed wooden tables.

Crispy Critter

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