Reflections of a Home Owner

The theory of MAD tells us that if two powers of equal capabilities attack one another, they will both be destroyed.  Physics tells us that a body in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by a equal or greater force.  Cain tells us that “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” And my own experiences tell me that if you take a swing at a man, you had better be ready for him to hit back. This is our predicament. The Minutemen slumber in their beds, but for how long? Everything I have ever learned through schooling, church, and life in general tells me the same thing.  If one of the rockets behind me go off, we all die.  yet, with my neck on the block, the government won’t even let me see what they are building.  The won’t even allow my house to be built so that it faces East over their forty acre plot.  What are they afraid I will see?  What is my own government hiding from me?

One Response to “Reflections of a Home Owner”

  1. Ref: Second Treatise of Government

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