Multi-Dimensional Peanuts

Bill Rife went out onto his drive and picked up his news paper. The walk from his door to the end of his drive was not a straight line as he would have preferred. Bill’s house sat at an awkward angle as a result of the building restrictions near the Minutemen. Thumbing through the paper he barely caught the names of articles. Khrushchev calls arsenal “nuclear deterrence”, Dr. No topped by sequel, protest held over evolution in… Bill stopped when he reached the page with the comics. Glancing down, he read Peanuts. Bill liked comics. You can’t read them the same way as you read a book. You have to look at the whole picture, reading the words alone won’t tell the whole story. Each panel had to be read separately then viewed as a whole for it to make sense. Scenery, characters, and text all had to be taken into account. Stereographics. He would ask Sue if she had read the strip over the weekend, it was a good one. Just in case he decided to fold the page up and bring it along on Monday.

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  1. Ref: Peanuts

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