Shift 0000-0600

David yawned and stretched as he stared out at the monitors in front of him.  His guards were patrolling with robotic perfection along the fence line.  David had stayed in the military after WWII. He thought those days were hell on earth.  He had fought for the men in his platoon more than anything else.  In his first year, his brother died in a plane crash.  David was told it was technical error, but he blamed the Japs.  David fought for his brother and for his pride of country “belief of justice perverted to revenge and spite.”  Part of him missed those days.  WWII was hell, but it was not the mind screw that this was turning out to be.  Plus in WWII at least you knew who you are supposed to shoot at, today there were commies every where.  Their were even commies in the damn streets of college towns, but those were ones you couldn’t shoot.  Truman said that once that it was communism that destroyed its own citizens.  Well, David thought it was taking too long he was ready of launch one of the Minutemen and end this thing now.  Truman was right, why wait for communism to spread, shouldn’t they do something now, wasn’t that his duty as a soldier?

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