Archive for Education


Posted in Mystory, Science with tags , , on April 22, 2009 by twelt

Two new theories dominated the debates within the political science department. With the concept of Brinkmanship securely ingrained, students were left arguing over the proper balance of MAD and NUTS. There were basically two camps, pro NUTS and anti NUTS. The pro NUTSgroup was lead by Bobby Beddit. The anti NUTS group was lead by Kevin… I can’t recall his last name. Anyhow Kevin was a total tool. MAD was bad, both groups agreed on that the question was NUTS, how much NUTS should be put in the American system? Too strong an emphasis on NUTS would likely push Russia to attack, but ignoring NUTS entirely would leave America wide open to MAD. Because of the debate, Dr. Irving decided an essay should be written to fully explain each student’s full opinion on the subject. There was a game tonight, MU against KU the game of the season. Of course he would pick today to assign something. Do professors even watch sports?

The Blue Note

Posted in Culture, Education, Mystory with tags , , on April 22, 2009 by twelt

I poured him another round as he stared vacantly as his paper.  The top line read Si vis pacem, para bellum. The student glanced up at me and then back down at this paper.  Behind him, Truman danced on screen as another shot was made.  Again the student glanced up at me.  I want peace, we are prepared, now what?  He said Vegetius didn’t elaborate. Occationally I get a drunken prophet. I pickd up a glass and wiped the inside with a white towel.  It really didn’t do anything by that is what they did on TV.  The student raised his hand to signal another round.  Three measures of Gordon’s, one of Vodka, half a measure Kina Lillet, and shake.  A Vesper.  Apparently my client had expensive taste. He either had money or a desire to go broke. His shirt was ruffled and unbuttoned his hair disheveled from running thing fingers through it, and the outside of his right thumb was red from drumming it on the table in front of him.  This was a man who felt slighted. I had seen it before. Confounded by something that went outside what he knew.

Modern History

Posted in Non-Cognitive Research with tags , , , on March 20, 2009 by twelt

I suppose that what this novel is trying to do is pose an alternative history… a sort of what if senerio. As a political science major and a self proclaimed history nerd (albiet it not of the WWII time period) I read a lot of historical accounts, and one that breaks from what is “historically accurate” occationally jars me. It was commented in class that the story can be applied to the war in Iraq. I can agree if one is looking at the argument between involvement and isolation. Still, I would not say this only can apply to Iraq but any war to some degree (most notebly Vietnam).