Archive for Games

War Games

Posted in Mystory, Personal with tags , on April 22, 2009 by twelt

The Americans took aim at the Russians on the field below the barn, they slowly cocked their Red Riders and looked down the steel barrel over the open sites.  Three Russians stood oblivious to the attack above them.  The Americans had them out numbered two to one. Drawing their breaths in and slowly releasing them, the Americans picked targets and prepared to fire. Now! A voice from below called. From behind the Americans in the barn a volley of BBs flew their way. Two men were hit, the Russians in the field had retreated to behind a stack of fire wood. The Americans were pinned down. A pincer attack one American screamed. They had been out maneuvered. Popping up to fire, four Americans covered the wounded two as they scrambled for cover. Jimmy and Tommy had been hit.  The BB had bounced off Jimm’y jacket, Tomy’s was stuck in his skin and would need to be popped out with a pocket knife later on. Racking the levers on their Red Riders the Americans fired again.  The Russians won in the end. After the war Russians and Americans alike went back to Jim’s house for dinner.