Archive for Science


Posted in Mystory, Science with tags , , on April 22, 2009 by twelt

Two new theories dominated the debates within the political science department. With the concept of Brinkmanship securely ingrained, students were left arguing over the proper balance of MAD and NUTS. There were basically two camps, pro NUTS and anti NUTS. The pro NUTSgroup was lead by Bobby Beddit. The anti NUTS group was lead by Kevin… I can’t recall his last name. Anyhow Kevin was a total tool. MAD was bad, both groups agreed on that the question was NUTS, how much NUTS should be put in the American system? Too strong an emphasis on NUTS would likely push Russia to attack, but ignoring NUTS entirely would leave America wide open to MAD. Because of the debate, Dr. Irving decided an essay should be written to fully explain each student’s full opinion on the subject. There was a game tonight, MU against KU the game of the season. Of course he would pick today to assign something. Do professors even watch sports?

Reflections of a Home Owner

Posted in History, Mystory with tags , , on April 21, 2009 by twelt

The theory of MAD tells us that if two powers of equal capabilities attack one another, they will both be destroyed.  Physics tells us that a body in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by a equal or greater force.  Cain tells us that “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” And my own experiences tell me that if you take a swing at a man, you had better be ready for him to hit back. This is our predicament. The Minutemen slumber in their beds, but for how long? Everything I have ever learned through schooling, church, and life in general tells me the same thing.  If one of the rockets behind me go off, we all die.  yet, with my neck on the block, the government won’t even let me see what they are building.  The won’t even allow my house to be built so that it faces East over their forty acre plot.  What are they afraid I will see?  What is my own government hiding from me?

Dust in the Wind

Posted in Mystory, Science with tags , , on April 20, 2009 by twelt

I remember a dust storm about four years ago that came through my town.  The sky got dark, the wind was fast, and the dirt in the air stung your face and coated the breast of your coat.  The dust was horrible while it lasted, but when it passed before too long and life resumed as normal.

For my research I study the effects of all out nuclear war.  Without a doubt the most interesting aspect of my findings in the notion of a “nuclear winter”.  The sky would go dark and cold, and the particles in the air would burn flesh and poison the lungs.  It is not yet certain how long these effects would last or how severe they would be.  In time, though, it would pass.  But to what?  What manner of life would be left?  Crops would be decimated, lives lost, and buildings destroyed by the initial blast.


Posted in Non-Cognitive Research with tags , , on April 10, 2009 by twelt

I actually came across internet out here.  Well, technically I am told I am actually using cell phone towers… I am not sure how that works.  Another thing I came across today was mention of Truman in Slaughter House Five.  The section talks about a report he wrote on atomic bombing.  I thought it may be interesting to look into the origins of the atomic bomb.  It turns out tha the atomic bimb, and modern computers were developed at the same times.  Without the bomb, would computers be what they are today? If we could trade our computers for a world rid of nuclear weapons would we?  The bomb dropped on Nagisaki was called Fat Man.  Weighing at over 10,000 pounds it is pretty easy to see where its name came from.  However, at only 10.5′ x 5′ it is hard to imagine that this little object could spark so much fear.  On the outside that bomb does not look very powerful.